I have been wanting to make my cute little nephews a quiet book for church, but I've never found one I liked and more importantly I'm scared of the sewing machine (I've actually tried conquering that fear and I'll show you my attempts soon). Anyways I recently came across this fabulous idea from a guest post on the blog I Am Momma-Hear Me Roar and I couldn't wait to try it out. For full details visit the post here.
Plus I was so excited to use these...
Plus I was so excited to use these...

Washable Dry-Erase Crayons- How cool are those? Kinda makes me wish I was a kid again :)
Here's what you need:
- 1" Binder (which are on sale pretty much everywhere since it's back to school)
- 1 pack of Dry-Erase Crayons
- Clear sheet protectors (they have to be clear)
- Coloring pages- you can print activities from the Friend by clicking here, or pull from coloring books
- Pictures (only if you want to turn them into coloring pages Tutorial here)
- Little munchkins that like to color
and that's it...well now you have to put it all together, but then that's it. Here's the final result!!!
Love the coloring page on the right- it's my dad and Tyse. It was a lot of fun doing these pages, I've always wondered what I'd look like in a coloring book :) Here's my tip-pick a picture that has a clear view of their faces and has little in the background. I'm not perfect at it, but I'd be happy to help. I also quickly came up with a title page that I can easier change and send to anyone who is interested.
Well that's about it for these books. Sorry my pictures weren't the best, I'm still learning how to take photos for blogs, plus I was so excited to give them to the boys that I took the pictures late the night I finished them.
Make sure you visit I Am Momma-Hear Me Roar for the full tutorial, and tons of other great projects and ideas!!!
Such a good idea!! I might have to have you help me make a coloring page of Stu...